Turkey bacon cheddar quiche recipe

Turkey bacon cheddar quiche recipe

Prepare cake crust based on package instructions. We advise utilizing a 9″ deep-dish cake pan. When finished pre-cooking based on package instructions, remove from oven and awesome slightly.

While crust is cooking, prepare ingredients: prepare poultry bacon until crispy drain, awesome and chop into small pieces completely wash baby green spinach leaves and pat totally dry chop and blend with bacon pieces crumble goat cheese and hang aside.

Mix eggs, salt, pepper, milk, and half half together in a tiny bowl add green spinach, bacon, and goat cheese. Blend well.

Add egg mixture to cake crust and go back to oven for 35-40 minutes or until eggs are totally set.

Let it awesome for five minutes before slicing serving.

Filed Under: Breakfast and Brunch, Primary Course

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