Easy baked alaska dessert recipe

Easy baked alaska dessert recipe

Baked Alaska is really a clever mixture of 3 fundamental desserts: cake, frozen treats, and meringue. And it's not necessary to churn your personal frozen treats or bake your personal cake to savor it. It is good for impressing buddies at kids birthday parties, simple to make, as well as a substantial amount of fun.

Step One: Gather ingredients

The components are very simple:
- A cake
- A tub of frozen treats
- A recipe of meringue (essentially just egg-whites)

Try to look for a cake that's roughly exactly the same shape as the frozen treats. Normally the supermarkets perform a nice 8x8 sponge, however i found this round one on special and thought I'd give it a try. Trimming is permitted, just as long as the frozen treats fits positioned on the wedding cake.
The frozen treats could be anything you like, I would recommend a chocolate based frozen treats the first time, it's simpler to differentiate in the egg-whites when you are frosting it.
The meringue is fairly striaghtforward, I really use my mother in law's famous pavlova recipe, it really works a goody. Use about 5-6 eggs based on their size if you are using a 2L frozen treats. I additionally discover that organic eggs result in the easiest meringue.


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