Puerto rican beef pinchos recipe

Puerto rican beef pinchos recipe

6 garlic clove cloves (peeled)
2 teaspoons salt
1 1/2 teaspoons pepper
3 teaspoons ground oregano
3 teaspoons essential olive oil
3 teaspoons Worcestershire sauce
1 lb boneless pork or pork butt

Utilizing a pilĀ°n (mortar and pestle), mash the garlic clove cloves and salt right into a paste. Add the pepper and oregano. Stir within the essential olive oil and vinegar. Set the marinade aside. Cut the pork into 1-inch cubes. Cover the pork pieces using the marinade and let occur the refrigerator for around twenty minutes. Skewer the pork pieces and grill the kabobs for around eight minutes, turning from time to time for grilling. Tip: If you are using wooden skewers, soak them in water as the pork is marinating.

Recipe Pinchos. Receta Pinchos

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