Blue cheese burger topping recipe

Blue cheese burger topping recipe

Wonderful topping! I am not excessively keen on "classic" hamburger topping, which just hit my preferences. I covered the bun with tomato slices and set the topping on the top -)
Can make it can. Thank you for discussing!
Designed for PAC Fall 2012

I chose to make this tasty topping in my bison hamburger last evening. This special topping around the bison between your bottom and top of the homemade wheat grains garlic clove bun sampled enjoy it was paradise sent. the wealthy flavors are merely scrumptious and today I would like another hamburger in the morning. Designed for: For The Consideration tag game.

Designed for your Football Pool win, this recipe would be a great find an enormous DH-pleaser at our home (he loves both eco-friendly olives blue cheese). We always eat burgers open-face or ditch the bun altogether in support of a hamb steak. I made the second, used your topping for this combined it w/some fried leftover taters a sml eco-friendly salad. Like another reviewer, I additionally overlooked the salt. DH is salt-restricted, but even I felt it wasn't needed. Congratulations for you FP win thx for discussing this sure-to-be-used-frequently recipe w/us. -)

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