Ba bao zhou recipe for chicken

Ba bao zhou recipe for chicken

Grain Dish with Chinese Herbs

Ba Bao Zhou may be the recipe for that grain dish (congee) “Eight Treasures
Porridge”. The eight herbs are cooked with grain to create
a aromatic meal to bolster the center burner. A powerful spleen
may be the grounds for sufficient energy qi. If middle burner qi is simply too
weak, inner dampness is produced and bowel motions are extremely
frequent and too soft, you are feeling tired and also have difficulty concentrating
for lengthy periods. With time this problem weakens the
entire body. Ba Bao Zhou is especially appropriate like a warming

nutritious breakfast.

yi yi ren (Coicis Semen), fu ling (Poria) and bai bian dou (Lablab
Semen Album) combined with grain strengthen the center
burner and expel dampness. lian zi (Nelumbinis Semen) and qian
shi (Euryales Semen) strengthen the center burner, astringe the
intestines and harden the stool. lengthy yan rou (Longan Arillus), bai
he (Lilii Bulbus) and da zao (Jujubae Fructus) nourish,
are pleasantly soothing and lend the dish a subtle sweetness.

Soak half the items in the bag (ca. 50 g) inside a litre water for
twenty minutes, adding 150 g of sticky or jasmine grain and boil for
40 minutes. Could be sweetened after some honey, brown sugar
or cinnamon. Eat one portion each day (might be ongoing over
a longer time). Keep your cooked grain dish within the fridge without
more than 1 week.

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