Fudge recipe with single cream

Fudge recipe with single cream
  • butter, for greasing
  • 275 g caster sugar
  • 100 g golden syrup
  • 225 g clotted cream
  • teaspoon vanilla flavoring

For that chocolate drizzle

  • 55 g chocolates, chopped
  • 2 tablespoons of double cream
  • 1 tablespoons of milk


1. For that fudge: grease a 20cm/8in square tin and hang aside.

2. Place all the fudge ingredients inside a large heavy-based saucepan as well as heat lightly, stirring before the sugar dissolves. Provide the boil, cover and boil for just two-3 minutes. Take away the lid and then boil before the mixture reaches 115C on the sugar thermometer.

3. Carefully pour the new fudge mixture right into a heatproof mixing bowl and then leave until cooled slightly. Whisk the mix before the sugar crystallises it ought to begin to appear just a little grainy in texture and switch from glossy to matte.

4. Scrape the fudge mixture in to the prepared tin. Put aside for half an hour, or before the fudge has set slightly.

5. For that chocolate drizzle: lightly heat the chocolate, cream and milk in a tiny heavy-based pan, stirring frequently before the mixture is smooth and creamy. Drizzle within the fudge. Mark the fudge using the tip of the knife to create squares, then leave to create completely before eating.

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