Boiled fish and potatoes recipe

Boiled fish and potatoes recipe


2 pounds skinless grouper fillets
2 lemons
salt, to taste
3 tablespoons margarine
2 cups water
1/2 pound taters, sliced
1/2 teaspoon chopped garlic clove
1 tablespoon chopped parsley
1/2 goat pepper or Scotch bonnet, chopped, or cayenne, to taste
2 large onions, sliced
1/2 cup chopped celery


Wash fish and squeeze the juice of half the lemons within the fillets. Sprinkle with salt. Place margarine and water inside a nonreactive skillet over medium-high temperature. Add some taters, garlic clove, parsley, hot pepper, salt and juice of just one lemon. Provide a boil and prepare about ten minutes or until taters are nearly done. Add some fish, top using the onions and celery, immediately reduce heat to simmer, cover and prepare fish about ten minutes or until cooked through. Don't overcook or let water boil.

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360 calories. 11 grams fat. 19 grams carbohydrates. 46 grams protein per serving.

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