Malunggay fruit ilocano recipe lunch

Malunggay fruit ilocano recipe lunch

Buridibod, Ilocano Style

Malunggay is within season once more so we get one at the rear of our home yielding plenty of malunggay every second day. My buddy rose our roof top and also got plenty of malunggay therefore we can prepare buridibod, an Ilocano recipe. I'm an Ilocana and so i love this recipe a lot. Even my husband who's a Caucasian learned to like this food. He is able to consume a lot of malunggay. and that he calls it now eco-friendly hotdogs, lol! We've got that name from Aika because that is what her hubby calls it. Actually, basically we were eating the malunggay. i was considering them. Hope they're here around to allow them to enjoy too eating buridibod .

4 computers camote
6 computers eggplant
10 computers malunggay fruits
alukon (baeg )
samsamping (Ilocano word, have no idea the things they refer to it as in Tagalog)
fried fish or hamburger (I made use of hamburger)
shallots or onions
fish sauce

Peel the camotes and cut them directly into cubes. Neat and wash the samsamping and alukon. Peel and cut the malunggay. Brown the floor beef and set patis and also the chopped shallots or onions. Then boil water inside a pot for that fish sauce. Add some hamburger and also the camote cubes and allow it to prepare. Here, you are able to prefer your buridibod somewhat drier or soft and pulpy. if you prefer a pulpy buridibod. boil the camotes more or mash it using a ladle. But mash it not very mushy so enough broth remain. you need to retain enough broth for the souping purposes. once the camotes are cooked, make the malunggay. eggplant and samsamping and alukon and allow it to prepare for a while. Serve with grain.

1 comment:

Love this. Continue the great publish, Aloha frm Hawaii.

Lisa I'm a Filipina who's married to my American husband from Texas. I'm a Christian having a strong belief within the Lord. I'm things i am through the elegance and whim of God, a sinner saved by elegance and without God I'm nothing. I've simple dreams in existence, simply to live happily with my hubby and together we'll worship serve god. I really like God most importantly and despite many trials in existence God is definitely there to hold me through. I really like the shore, sightseeing, nature tripping, gardening. I simply love and savor the good thing about God's wonderful creation. Jesus is my Creator, Lord and Savior of my existence. I don't have riches nowadays but because lengthy when i have Jesus within my existence i then have all the feaures. View my complete profile

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