How to make cup cake recipe in hindi

How to make cup cake recipe in hindi

Eggless Cake tastes more much better than any Egg based cake. You are able to bake cake in a variety of various ways by tinkering with different fruits. Today we'll bake eggless fruit cake.

Egg can be used to bind the wedding cake. We are able to use condensed milk or other binder for that binding purpose.

Ingredients for Eggless Cake Recipe

  • Maida (all-purpose flour) - 200 gms. (2cups)
  • Butter or Ghee - 80 gms.
  • Gram - under 1/2 cup
  • Condensed Milk - 1 cup (200 gms)
  • Milk - 1 cup (200 gms)
  • Cashews - 50 gms. (1/4 cup, 1 cashew beaten into 4-5 pieces)
  • Raisin - 50
  • Sugar - 100 gms. (powdered 1/2 cup)
  • Baking Powder - 1 desert spoon
  • Sodium Bicarbonate - 3/4 desert spoon.

Method - Steps to make Eggless Cake

Sieve maida, baking powder, soda altogether two occasions. Now melt the butter or ghee and break the sugar into powdered form.

Take sugar, butter and beat them well for just two-3 minutes. Now add condensed milk within the mixture and beat it again. Now continue adding little little maida baking powder mix in to the batter (protuberances shouldn't be created while mixing it). Continue adding milk towards the mixture as reported by the requirement to obtain the right consistency. Beat the batter for just two minutes and add cashews, raisins into it.

Now have a pan and grease it. Sprinkle some dry maida in to the pan to create a thin layer. This can allow the cake emerge easily from the pan. Now pour the wedding cake mixture in to the pan.

Heat the oven on 180 celcius. Put the pan within the oven and hang the timer for twenty five minutes. Now lower lower the high temperature to 160 celcius after half an hour and bake it for 25 minutes. Now have a tooth pick and poke to check on whether or not this arrives clean or otherwise. When the mixture continues to be sticky, then bake it for an additional ten minutes. Check it again and switch from the oven.

Eggless Sponge Cake is prepared. Allow it to awesome lower for some time after which separate it in the pan with the aid of a knife. Cut the wedding cake in whatever shape you want and serve it.

Likewise, you can test exactly the same recipe with various fruits like almond cake, coconut cake etc.

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