How to make homemade playdough recipe

How to make homemade playdough recipe

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Playdough (also known as Play-doh) is simple to create in your own home, and fun for children of every age group. Here's steps to make your personal non-toxic toy with custom colors and fragrances.

This is actually the classic way in which involves a little bit of cooking around the stovetop - I favor it because cooked playdough includes a better texture than uncooked varieties. If you would like the children so that you can do all of it themselves, do this uncooked playdough recipe .

Warning: Stay away from dogs along with other pets. Playdough has the aroma of people food but contains plenty of salt, along with a hungry dog can eat enough to result in a harmful salt imbalance.

Step One: Ingredients

Playdough is really a classic childhood toy everybody can enjoy, and it's all too easy to create in your own home you may never buy that stinky store variety again.

Fundamental component ratios:
2 cups flour
2 cups tepid to warm water
1 cup salt
two tablespoons vegetable oil
1 Tablespoon cream of tartar (optional for improved elasticity)

food coloring (liquid, powder, or unsweetened Kool-Aid or similar drink mix)
scented oils

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