Can you halve a recipe

Based on what you are making, there might be a great egg substitute apart from that powdered stuff. e.g. if you're making some type of baked good, I have had great results by using bananas or apple sauce. (bananas sometimes give a blueberry-y flavour though. that is frequently a welcome addition :-))

You will find a multitude of egg substitutes available, and every lend themselves to different types of recipes. Possibly one of these simple could solve your condition.

clarified Jul 18 '10 at 9:35

With respect to the recipe and quantity of eggs total, you are able to separate the white-colored in the yolk.

This does not work nicely if you are coping with only one egg total (throws body fat content too much off), but I have carried this out when going from three -> 1 1/2 with higher success in baking recipes. I have also tried on the extender to fine-tune the quantity of fat within the recipe basically did not such as the original consistency.

clarified Jul 18 '10 at 23:37

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