Semiya javarisi payasam recipe blog

Semiya javarisi payasam recipe blog

Wishing all of you a contented, Healthy and Prosperous Year . 2012 is a great year with this blog, originates a lengthy way with all of you support. Thanks buddies for the continuous support and all sorts of your comments, suggestions, appreciations. Allow me to start this year having a sweet publish Semiya Payasam/ vermicelli Payasam. I curently have a microwave form of vermicelli payasam. But desired to publish this fundamental recipe within my blog for any lengthy time. So made and clicked this a week ago. I've because of the fundamental recipe here, but we are able to perform a large amount of improvisations for this to really make it in your style. Refer the Notes section for many ideas. And as of this moment all of you might have observed the modification within the looks of my blog, yes! I gave a brand new turn to my blog with this Year. Because of Vj who chose to make this possible. I have couple of changes to create, that we is going to do gradually one at a time.

Recipe Cuisine: Indian Recipe Category: Dessert
Prep Time. 5 mins Prepare time. 20 mins Serves. 3


Semiya/ Vermicelli - 1/2 cup heaped

Sugar - 1/2 cup levelled
Milk - 1/2 cup
Ghee - 2 teaspoon
Cashew nuts - 6
Raisins(optional) - 12
Elachi - 1
Salt - a pinch
Water - 2 cups


  1. Heat a pan, add ghee and fry cashews into golden yellow in colour. If using raisins, fry them also in ghee until it fluffs up. Keep aside. Within the same pan, roast vermicelli in Medium-low flame with constant stirring.
  2. The vermicelli should turn golden every now and then. Put aside. Bring water to boil inside a large bowl Add some roasted vermicelli. Prepare for 4-a few minutes until soft.
  3. Add sugar. Powder the elachi and increase it. The cooked vermicelli turns transparent at this time. Boil for just two minutes. Add some milk.
  4. Add milk and produce to boil. Boil for any minute, give a small pinch of salt and turn off the stove. Because it cools lower, it will get thicker. Garnish with fried cashews and raisins.


  • The payasam recipe given here provides you with a ‘Spoonable’ Payasam. Because it cools lower, it will get thicker. If you want ‘Drinkable ’payasam, increase the milk accordingly.
  • You are able to serve cold or hot. You can include rose essence instead of elachi if you want.
  • If you wish to result in the payasam more more potent, reduce sugar and you may add condensed milk. Or evaporated milk is also added.
  • Rather of cooking vermicelli in water, you should use milk to prepare it. Causes it to be more wealthy.
  • The ratio to cook vermicelli in water with this payasam is 1. 4. Assuming you are taking single serving of vermicelli, boil and prepare in 4 glasses of water (only a guideline for novices)

The evergreen semiya payasam is prepared! I really like it both cold and hot. Pure deliciousness!

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