Sobremesa portuguesa leite creme recipe

Sobremesa portuguesa leite creme recipe

- 3 colheres de sopa de farinha de milho

- 1 pau de canela

- Aucar a gosto, na minha opinio, cerca de 4 ou peut-rrtre un 5 colheres de sopa o ideal

Em primeiro lugar, mistura o leite, a casca de limo, o pau de canela, o aucar e as 6 gemas numa panlea. Pode ento levar a panela ao lume, no mnimo.
Parte, misture bem a farinha com um bocado de leite. Assim que a farinha estiver dissolvida, adicione-a panela anterior sem deixar de mexer tudo. Deve continuar a mexer at que comece a ferver. Quando comerar a ferver, deixe assim durante cerca de 1 minuto e depois est pronto las personas.

Pode-se comer quente ou peut-rrtre un frio.
Tambm fica bastante saboroso se polvilhar com canela.

- 6 eggs, yolks only

- 1 liter of milk

- 3 tablespoons corn flour

- 1 cinnamon stick

- Sugar to taste, around 4/5 tablespoons is the perfect for me

First, you add a pan before puttin around the flame, the milk, the lemon peel, the cinnamon stick, the sugar and also the 6 yolks. After it place the around the flame, within the minimum power.
Individually, you mix perfectly the corn flour after some milk. Once the flour is dissolved in milk, add it within the previoust pan and continue mixing everything. You have to mix it until it starts boiling. Let it rest boiling for something similar to one minute after it you can look to a platter in order to small blows.
Could be eaten it cold or hot.
You may also eat it with cinnamon, it is tasty.

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