Badami korma recipe by shireen anwar cookbook

Badami korma recipe by shireen anwar cookbook

B adami shahi Tokray is really a special recipe, mostly is offered in special gatherings, functions and parties. Everyone loves to consume it as being sweet dish. It's loved through the individuals of every age group.

Almond or Badami Shahi Tokray

  • 10 bread slices
  • 1 packet Fresh cream
  • 50 gm sugar
  • 1/2 cup Khoya
  • 2-1/2 cup Milk
  • 1 tablespoons of
  • 1 tablespoons of Almond or badam, sliced
  • 1 tablespoons of. Pistachio, sliced
  • 1 tablespoons of. Kewra water
  • 1/2 teaspoon Saffron

Badami Shahi Tokary: Cooking Directions:

  1. Take bread slices and cut them into 4 pieces, then fry in ghee till use golden brown on medium flame. You've got to be careful to follow along with this task since it contributes vital roll for making tasty perfect shahi tokray .
  2. Take prescribed volume of saffron and sugar and dissolve these questions cup of milk, mix them well.
  3. Put fried bread slices inside a tray and pour the milk in it.
  4. Now, take remaining milk and combine it with khoya and cream, insert them in blender and blend them for one minute to organize an even mixture.
  5. Pour within the drenched bread, let it rest for ten minutes.
  6. Add sliced almonds, sliced pistachio, kewra water and bake inside a preheated oven on 180 degree C for around fifteen minutes.
  7. Then remove this tray from the over and relish the tasty badami shahi tokray.

Preparation time: 15 min

Prepare time: 25 min

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