Payday bars recipe with rice chex

Payday bars recipe with rice chex

I really like the salty-sweet combination inside a Pay day chocolate bar. These bar treats really are a simple and quick method to recreate the taste combination in your own home. I’ll warn you though &... it’s difficult to eat only one :-)

1 c. white-colored sugar
1 c. light Karo syrup
1 c. peanut butter
6 c. Grain Chex
1 c. blanched peanuts

Bring the Karo syrup and sugar to some boil. Remove from heat and add some peanut butter until dissolved, then stir in Chex and peanuts. Mix until coated and spread right into a buttered 9吉 pan. Awesome, then reduce squares.

Rather of blanched peanuts, I frequently use salted peanuts. I really like the salty-sweet flavor combination.

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I believe which i will attempt to place choc chips on the top before cooling.I'm searching for options to peanut bars which are requested for football games.Snickerts bars are difficult to create a sizable group,

I believe you've got a wonderful blog with many different interesting recipes. I had been intending to make these bars a few days ago. However I’m unsure of among the ingredients. What is Karo syrup? My home is India and that i’ve never witnessed it here. What are the substitutes for this?

These bars looks amazing! Do you consider a normal Grain Chex cereal would taste exactly the same? My baking has put me into debt :)

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