Buena vista nutty irishman recipe

Buena vista nutty irishman recipe

The right warming Irish coffee. Getty images

Irish coffee was introduced by Limerick chef Frederick Sheridan in 1942 to welcome Americans visiting Ireland. The travelers showed up in the western world of eire on the cold winter night, so Sheridan added whiskey for their coffee to warm them up, telling the Americans these were being offered Irish coffee.

A Bay Area Chronicle travel author, Stanton Delaplane, introduced the recipe to the U.S. after consuming Irish coffee at Shannon Airport terminal. It was initially offered in the Buena Vista Caf in Bay Area on November 10, 1952.

1 oz. of Clontarf Irish whiskey

5-7 oz. hot coffee or 2 shots of espresso

1-2 teaspoon. brown sugar

Fresh whipped cream

Run warm water gradually on the glass mug until it’s at 70 degrees or hotter, after which dry it (flowing hot coffee right into a cold glass could make it crack)

Add brown sugar to mug

Pour in whiskey

Add coffee or espresso, departing room at top for whipped cream

*To create cold Irish coffee chill the sweetened coffee before adding the whiskey

Stir until sugar is totally dissolved

Set whipped cream on drink

Don't stir (drink stays warmer longer using the cream sitting on the top)

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