Pina colada sauce for coconut shrimp recipe

Pina colada sauce for coconut shrimp recipe

Recipe produced by Todd Wilbur world wide the good thing may be the pina colada dipping sauce. And it is true, that sauce is really good you can eat it having a spoon. However the coconut shrimp is fairly awesome too, even by itself. Red Lobster's secret formula includes Captain Morgan's Parrot Bay rum, which sweetens in the batter in addition to adding an excellent coconut flavor

This really is near to the actual recipe Red Lobster uses, using their executive chef. Their dipping sauce doesn't have sugar inside it, however the juice of a complete lemon. Also, their batter doesn't use milk, it is the pina colada mix rather. I really like this recipe, but does take some time to create.

After studying the very first couple of reviews I needed to discover personally the components from the sauce. I've been a web server at Red Lobster for 16 many never understood the components. As you reviewer stated there's nothing sour relating to this sauce, i, might have bet that's wasn't created using sour cream. Although there's not a way of understanding the exact recipe since it is not provided available, the components are on the shipping box. The very first two ingredients are pineapple and sour cream. The recipe for that shrimp is extremely similar regarding the way they make sure they are within the store though. I'm not sure why a web server might have told anybody that it's created using yogurt. Personally, that sounds really scrumptious though!

Offered this to have an appetizer for Easter time and also got only raves. Everybody loved this and could not get enough. The only real change Used to do was rather from the sour cream, I made use of Free Of Fat Vanilla Yogurt as the second reviewer recommended. Thank you for discussing!

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