Portobello mushroom steak recipe vegan

Portobello mushroom steak recipe vegan

Pan-Seared Portobello Mushrooms with Balsamic Vinegar Glaze Recipe (Vegan Steak)

An ode to my passion for balsamic vinegar. These mushrooms are really flavorful and thus simple to create! Enjoy them like a primary dish alongside veggies or stick the mushrooms on the bun with tomato for just one scrumptious and savory "hamburger."

Recipe: Portobello Steaks


The right vegan replacement for steak. or simply an excellent recipe for portobello mushrooms! So juicy. and scrumptious! These babies will also be good around the grill!


2 whole portobello mushrooms

½ whole small onion, diced

1 whole garlic clove cloves, minced

3 tablespoons of basalmic vinegar

½ teaspoon tulsi


Line a sizable fry pan having a thin layer of broth. Remove comes from mushroom and hang aside. Add onion and garlic clove and prepare for just two minutes over high temperature. Add remaining ingredients, aside from the mushrooms, and switch to medium. Add mushrooms, cover and prepare for 5 minutes. Lightly switch mushrooms over and prepare for five minutes more, adding more broth when needed to avoid sticking or burning. Plate mushrooms and spoon leftover juices on the top. 

Chef's Note: Water might be substituted with the broth. 

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