Vegetarian chili recipe with chickpeas and spinach

Vegetarian chili recipe with chickpeas and spinach

The standard chickpea (a.k.a. garbanzo bean) is a lot more than a way to hummus. This little legume comes complete with protein, minerals and antioxidants, along with a 1-cup serving provides half the daily suggested consumption of fiber. Their mild flavor and creamy texture means they are very versatile: cooked garbanzos could be roasted and offered like a snack or salad topping, blended into dips and soups (as well as baked goods), or used whole in sandwiches, tacos or primary dishes.

Listed here are 66 of the very most creative—and delicious—vegan and vegetarian chickpea recipes that prove garbanzos are wonderful in everything.




Primary Dishes

Sandwiches, Tacos Wraps

Soups, Stews and Chilis


About Dana

Dana Raidt is really a Minneapolis-based author and editor with a love for music, a penchant for thrift-store shopping along with a never-ending recipe repertoire. Find out more from Dana →

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