Tawa Fish Urdu Recipes Tawa Fish Urdu Recipes is healthfully vitamin recipe. this recipe famous on the planet and individuals as with dinner and spring season. you can test with simple method Tawa Fish Urdu Recipes.
Tawa Fish Urdu Recipes
Tawa Fish British Recipes
Fish is among the healthiest food products. It's full of various healthy nutrients for example protein, vital vitamins and omega-3 essential fatty acids. So, most health specialists recommend to corporate sufficient quantity of fish on consistent basis. There are many recipes that you could select to create scrumptious fish dishes. Tawwa fish can also be one of these simple recipes. Try to enjoy&...
Tawwa Fish Recipe: Needed Ingredients
1/2 kg fish (reduce medium slices)
2 tablespoons of. fresh lemon juice
1 teaspoon garlic clove paste
Salt to taste
2 tablespoons of. fried onion
1 tablespoons of. ginger root paste
1 tablespoons of. cumin seeds
2 teaspoon red chili powder
1/4 cup plain yogurt
1/2 cup thinly chopped tomato plants
1/4 cup oil
Tawwa Fish Recipe: Cooking Instructions
Wash the fish completely, allow it to dry and put inside a large bowl.
Add all spices in to the fish slices and blend well. Keep your marinated fish aside for around an hour after which fry just for 5 minutes to be able to dry its water.
Try taking some oil inside a large fry pan as well as heat it.
Add ginger root, garlic clove and thinly chopped tomato plants in to the herbal and fry well.
Now add all spices and yogurt, continue cooking for couple of more minutes.
Add fried fish slices in to the spice and prepare over low flame for 10-12 minutes.
Scrumptious tawwa fish is prepared, take it out of heat and transfer inside a serving bowl.
Garnish with chopped coriander leaves and thin ginger root slices, serve hot with warm pitta bread.